Kauffman Metals



Benefits of Metal

Metal Is Durable

Metal roofing has been proven to be more durable than most other roofing systems available. As a result, metal roofing has low life-cycle costs making it the choice of many school, government, commercial, industrial and institutional building owners.

Metal Is Fire and Wind Resistant

Metal roofing is extremely fire resistant and can be designed to withstand strong winds.

Metal Is Light Weight

Due to its light weight per unit area, structural savings can be realized in a building when compared to using heavier non-metal roofing alternatives. For re-roofing projects, metal roofing can often be applied over the original roof, saving removal and disposal costs.

Metal Is Energy Efficient

Metal roofing is on the leading edge of technology with a wide variety of finishes, designs and colors that provide greater energy savings compared to most other non-metal roofing products on the market today.

Metal Installs Easily

Most metal roofing materials come in multi-shingle sections or in sheets. An accomplished contractor or a handy homeowner can install these quickly.


Metal Roofing is available in a wide variety of styles, patterns, designs, and colors. Today’s metal roofs are sure to fit right in with your house or barn’s existing architecture and style.





















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